Here are some short videos and links that might be helpful for parents or teachers who can then share with parents:
IBT’s Parent Cafe Series supported by PDG Quality Subgrant:
Parent Cafe Series #1:
Series 1, Parent Cafe 1: The Power of Reinforcement
Series 1, Parent Cafe 2: Establishing and Maintaining Routine
Series 1, Parent Cafe 3: Increasing Social/Emotional and Academic Success during a Pandemic
Series 1, Parent Cafe 4: Community Readiness during COVID-19
Parent Cafe Series #2:
Series 2, Parent Cafe 1: Triple Vulnerability Model of Anxiety and Depression
Series 2, Parent Cafe 2: Developmental Stages for Social/Emotional Growth
Series 2, Parent Cafe 3: Teaching Emotions to Young Children for Social/Emotional Health
Series 2, Parent Cafe 4: Healthy Relations, Sexuality, and Consent
Series 2, Parent Cafe 5: Suicide Risk
Series 2, Parent Cafe 6: Transition Aged Youth & S/E Health during Transitions – Part 1
Series 2, Parent Cafe 6: Transition Aged Youth & S/E Health during Transitions – Part 2
Series 2, Parent Cafe 7: Pre-Employment Transition Services
Parent Cafe Series #3:
Series 3, Parent Cafe 1: Key for Families – “Transitioning from School to Adulthood” (audio only)
Series 3, Parent Cafe 2: The Ins & Outs of Assessments and Diagnostics – “What to look for”
Series 3, Parent Cafe 3: Validation/Recovering from Invalidation – PART 1
Series 3, Parent Cafe 4: Validation/Recovering from Invalidation – PART 2
Series 3, Parent Cafe 5: Why Kids Do What They Do – Strategies On How To Increase Appropriate Behaviors In Kids
Here are some short videos and links that might be helpful for parents or teachers who can then share with parents:
Is PBS right for you? (A Step-by-Step Manual on Positive Behavioral Support Created In-House and Published by our very own TKP Team)
Helping Your Preschool-age Child Cope
Identified Trainings & Resources
Association of Professional Behavior Analysts Online events
Militarization and Police Violence: The Case of the 1033 Program
HTRC – Heartland Telehealth Resource Center
Readings Presented in IBT’s Original Statement Note: Many of these reading materials were compiled by individuals outside of IBT, and we thank them for their dedication and time in making so much material accessible on a wide scale.
The following resources may also be useful in learning about autism spectrum disorder and social difficulties: